Elderly Care: Five Daily Needs of Seniors that Must be Met

Aging usually involves extra needs and challenges for seniors. Physical and mental changes can take place that may make it impossible for them to perform or complete the daily tasks. In case a senior member of your family has reached a point where they need assistance with their everyday routine, ensure you know what their needs are.

Seniors want to be as independent as they can so whoever cares for them should keep this in mind and respect their dignity. In terms of Assisted living in California, seniors need assistance with the following:

  • Staying Mobile
    To help seniors feel satisfied with life despite their condition, they need to move around even if it’s only within their own surroundings. If they have mobility problems, mobility devices such as a cane, a walker, and a wheelchair must be available for them. Also, to promote more independence and mobility, their homes can be installed with handrails, wider doors, and a wheelchair ramp for a hassle-free moving.>
  • Getting Personal Care
    Seniors need personal care on a daily basis. Depending on their conditions and ability to the perform tasks, they may need assistance with bathing, dressing, and grooming. Professional caregivers can give Personal Services to help seniors with these tasks.
  • Managing Medical Care
    Older adults may have reached the point of their life when they need to get adequate medical care to ensure they are healthy. To achieve this, they may need assistance to get a physical exam, eye checkup, foot care, physical therapy, and nursing care.
  • Getting Proper Nutrition and Exercise
    Older adults need proper nutrition to stay active and healthy. They may need a caregiver or a nutritionist who will go over their everyday meal plan to determine the food that fits their lifestyle. A healthy meal plan can be necessary depending on their condition to avoid further complications. Proper nutrition also includes ensuring seniors drink enough amounts of water daily to stay hydrated.
    Moreover, exercising regularly will prevent chronic illnesses, reduces the chances of injury, and improves mood. Seniors who are limited by general weakness and medical conditions should get proper guidance and instruction so they know which exercise they can perform to improve their strength and mobility.
  • Engaging in Activities and Recreation
    Elderly people need activities and hobbies that are productive and engaging so they can pass the time instead of staying idle. Being able to do these safely on their own at our Residential Care Facility can help them take care of their own care needs, social life, interests, and daily tasks.

The lives of seniors can be as meaningful and safe as they should be when the needs mentioned above are met. If you have a senior family member, you want them to be with people who can give them all the assistance they need. In our Elderly Care Home in Fresno California, they don’t miss being at home because we make them feel at home. Call Attentive Senior Care at 559-449-3566.

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